Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Not-So-Wordless Wednesday: High School

While searching through my pictures for something to post for Wordless Wednesday, I found a folder of pictures from my sophomore year of high school. It was an emotionally draining year with lots of tears, but I do have lots of pictures of the good times that I had. Here are some of them. This post is going to be anything but wordless! Thanks for reading! 
My very first car! I still have it, too! I was so, so so excited! I just sat in it for hours because I couldn't believe it was really mine.

Sophomore year of track. We won our league chanpionship!

Can you believe that this little cutie is now TEN years old?

With mom and dad, sophomore year

New Years '07

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Twenty Mini Stories

Sorry I haven't updated lately. I have been crazy busy with work, class and partnership. I haven't forgotton about my little blog, though! I thought I'd use today's post to update on some things that have been happening recently. So, here are twenty little things in noparticular order. Enjoy and thanks for reading!

20. Bella is adjusting to life in the apartment very well. She enjoys looking out my window that faces the soccer fields.
19. My high school's football team is currently undefeated. Five games down, five more to go. Go Bucks!
18. I spend every Tuesday and Thursday in a local elementary school for the Early Childhood Partnership. My sweet 1st and 2nd graders remind me time and time again why I chose this major.
17. There are currently two movies that I want to see in the theater: Lion King 3D and Dolphin Tale.
16. I miss my Hershey girl more than words can explain. I still see her on weekends, but not seeing her every single day is tough.
15. I'm loving this cooler fall weather!
14. I'm planning a tie dye themed sleepover for my cutie cousins, M and R. Check out my posts from February (right sidebar) to see pictures from our last big sleepover. I'll post pictures from this one too!
13. I'm going to be Minnie Mouse for Halloween. I mentioned in a previous post that Halloween is a HUGE deal at my college ("huge deal" meaning that we have the biggest Halloween Street Party in the country). I've also said several times that I am a obsessed with all things Disney. So this is a perfect costume for me!
12. I got a leash and harness for my cat today because she LOVES to go outside, but I can't let her out alone here like I can back home. She seems to like it and is glad to get some fresh air!
11. My first graders seem to have shared some germs with me, which is making for a very sniffly weekend, but I still love them so much.
10. I'm not working as many hours this quarter as I have in previous quarters, which is a gigantic weight off of my shoulders and so much less stress.
9. Last weekend, I had some friends over for a Harry Potter themed party. I've talked of my love for Harry Potter on this blog many times. I also adore planning theme-y parties and going all out with the decorations and games. So this was fun for me. We had a costume contest and my friend Dayna dressed up as Bellatrix Lestrange and won! Her prize was a hand knitted Gryffindor scarf made by another friend who attended, Colete.
8. I'm really excited for the Kappa Delta Pi year to start (Wednesday!!!) and I can't wait to get to know our new members! I'm on the exec board this year, too. Philanthropy Chair! It's busy, but worth it!
7. My aunt got a new puppy and he is one of the cutest things I've ever seen in my entire life.
6. It makes my day when I get mail here in my apartment.
5. Easy Mac is a college student's best friend. Cheap and fast!
4. There's a new restaurant in town that I'd love to try.
3. I've met many of my neighbors, and they're all so nice!
2. This is my best year of college so far.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Still Haven't Forgotten

I still haven't forgotten.

I know you haven't either.

I still haven't forgotton that September morning when our country changed forever.

I still haven't forgotton exactly where I was.

I was in 5th grade. Ms. G's homeroom. A 6th grader who had arrived to school late came through the halls shouting something about the World Trade Center being on fire. At first the teacher thought he was kidding. She said he was crazy.

And then she turned on the TV.

To this day, I have not forgotton the look on her face when she said "Oh my gosh, he's right".

For the rest of the day, we sat in silence, watching the news unfold.

When I got home from school, mom made me watch Nickelodeon because it was the only channel that wasn't showing news coverage.

Today, a decade later, I still haven't forgotton that day.

I know you haven't either.

Join me now and remember the men, women and children who lost their lives on that September morning.

Never forget.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back To School Roundup

School started today! To celebrate, I'm sharing my favorite back to school links with you! *Note: I do not take credit for any of the information in these links. All credit goes to the respective page owners. I am merely sharing the links.

-These adorable cupcakes look like chalkboards. Whip up a batch and have them waiting for your kids when they get off of the bus! I made some for the officers of Kappa Delta Pi, an honors society for education majors that I'm in. You can find the link here:

-This book is one that I read in one of my college classes. It's something that I plan to use in my own classroom someday. It provides advice in words that young children can understand, plus who doesn't love DW? You can buy it here:
-This is the sweetest book ever, hands down. It shows that the bond between mother and child is forever, even when school time comes. You might even consider giving your child his or her own kissing hand after reading this heartwarming story about love and growing up. It can be purchased here:

Lunch Tips:
-There are many, many places on the internet that give tips for packing healthy lunches that children will actually eat. This one is by far my favorite. I LOVE the way each meal has a kid-friendly theme. Kids will love that each one also has a treat included. Try one in your child's lunchbox today! Here's the link:

I hope some of these Back to School links will be useful for you and your family. Do you have any links that you refer to year after year? Let me know about them in the comments! Happy New School Year!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

BIG Life Changes

Big changes happened this week. I moved out of my family's home for the first time. I'm now in an apartment that's just steps away from my college campus. It's definitely different, but I think I'm going to like it. Bella the Kitty, who makes frequent appearances on my blog, is here too. The first day, I think she was a little bewildered. She just paced and meowed. But she's doing better now. She likes to look out of my sliding glass door.

I wanted to share some pictures of my apartment with you today. I'm sure I'll blog about this new change more in the future as interesting adventures start to unfold!! :)

Thanks for reading!